It is mostly grown as a flower in small pots for gift sale. It is a suitable plant for full windowsills in homes, rocky gardens and succulent gardens.
winter hardiness
It can withstand up to -5C degrees "provided that it does not receive direct wind from the northern directions". With the effect of cold and sun in winter, pale reddening of the leaves occurs. This is not harm. It is a separate beauty.
Breeding, care requests
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana all varieties are low maintenance plants. It grows well in humus-rich and sandy soil. Irrigate infrequently on cool days. It requires attention against lice and fungal diseases.
sun needs
Keep it in direct sun for at least two hours a day, where the leaves will warm up and where it is brightly lit during the day. This is even more important if you are going to grow it at home. In summer, it is better to protect it from the direct sun at noon.
Use cheap and simple peat soil, which is sold in bags. If you buy expensive special mixes with nutritious fertilizers, these will quickly rot the plants. Mix the peat soil with 2-3mm coarse-grained river sand, not alone. Here are the rates:
If you are going to grow it outdoors all the time, 3 parts peat + 1 part sand.
If you are going to grow it indoors, 2 parts peat + 1 part sand.
Kalanchoe species grow very robustly in airy, well-drained soil. Its growth is rapid from spring to early summer. It slows down in the summer. According to the severity of the heat (especially if it is very hot at night), summer toys do not show any improvement. When the summer heat ends, it starts to develop again, but more lushly. With the increase in autumn temperatures, the development accelerates and buds.
Pot / soil replacement
Those who buy new flaming katy plant (Emel Hanım flower) immediately plant it in a large pot because the pot is too small. Then the roots rot. There's no need for that. It develops very few roots. It will last two or three years in a small pot.
Unlike other plants, change the soil when the very cool days of spring are behind. The new pot should be just enough for the roots to fit in. You should plant it so that the top starting point of the existing roots from the trunk is level with the top of the soil. The roots won't be too deep. Do not water if the soil is too moist. If it cannot stand upright in shallow soil, support it with heavy stones. Make the first watering when the soil is dry in a few days.
I recommend using heavy pottery pots as flower pots. Because as Kalanchoe blossfeldiana grows, it gets very heavy over time and the pot falls over twice. If you use plastic pots, put heavy pebbles at the bottom of the pot and pour river sand in the gaps. Then fill the soil and plant the plant.
Irrigate by pouring copious amounts of water whenever the soil is dry in summer and winter. In fact, if the place is too cold during the winter, it is better not to water at all. Less hot times such as late spring, late summer-early autumn are the times of rapid development of this plant, and it is better to water during these periods before the soil is too dry.
Feed once a month from spring to mid-autumn. General use, orchid food, african violet food is suitable. But you should definitely give the plant food by reducing the dose by half a dose or even a third. Because succulent species are very frugal in all matters. They store everything tightly and use it sparingly. If you do not use the plant food in low dosage, it will have a rotting effect on the roots.
Prune when the flowers have passed, especially in late summer. If you lightly bury the pruned branches in the ground, they will definitely take root and continue to develop. Every branch you cut and plant (even a 2cm piece) will definitely bud in the fall. You can easily prune the way you want. Just don't leave it without leaves.
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