Kalanchoe blossfeldiana reproduction
There are two methods. In both, you should keep the rooted part in a very airy place where it will get a little warm from the direct sun.
1) You can cut and plant any branch at any time of the year. It definitely holds.
2) Reproduction of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana by leaf cutting is definitive outdoors. It may not be possible at home. The best time is from late April to early June. Pick off any healthy leaf from where it attaches to the branch. Leave it in the open for a week, at the bottom of a flower that you water frequently, without burying it. Then plant it in the ground where it will root, with part of the petiole embedded. Do not water unless the soil is dry. Do not touch. Gradually root and sprout over time.
Pests, diseases, problems
Although all cultivars of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana are full of determination to survive, they are also sensitive. These:
root and root rot
It's a very common problem. If the leaves are shriveled and softened even though the soil is not dry, know that the bottom part has completely rotted with its roots. It happens because of unnecessary irrigation and sandless soil. If you cut and replant it from the solid place where the rot does not reach, it will continue its life as if nothing had happened. This is certain. Even if it is still blooming and you cut it and plant it again, it will recover within a week or two as if nothing has happened and continue its life with its flowers. It grows new roots in a short time.
Another cause of root rot is a lack of nutrients from the soil. The body automatically cuts off the relationship with the roots. Its purpose is to break away and be rooted elsewhere.
Lice and fungal diseases
It depends on the environment. Kalandivas (multiple blooming varieties) are most susceptible to lice. » On my plant lice page, you can read about the remedies according to the lice type. The sticky precipitation on the leaves is definitely due to lice.
Fungal diseases on the leaves of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana are mostly the work of lice. In other words, first, the destruction of lice is caused by sap leakage, followed by bacterialization, and then fungal diseases. Some lice go unnoticed and you don't think the lice are the cause. But on the other hand, even if there is no lice in sunless, windless and very humid environments, fungal diseases, mostly powdery mildew, are seen on the leaves. Sometimes it is in the form of blackening rot, sometimes mold, and the deterioration of the leaves with formations such as pollination. The remedy is to warm the leaves in the direct sun for at least two hours a day and to ensure that the environment is very airy and breezy. If this is not possible, you will have to use a drug called Topas.
blooming problem
Kalanchoe species bud once a year in nature, when the night time is long. But in those days, if it is in a place where there is a light in the evening, it will never bloom. Because the decrease in the daytime period makes it bloom. If he cannot understand it because of the evening light, it is not possible to bud.
Branch breaks
Among the common problems. Because Kalanchoe branches are very brittle. Any hard-strong impact will cause it to break easily. If you plant the broken branch somewhere, it will definitely hold.
Problems such as yellowing of leaves, failure to develop
It is either because it cannot get nutrients from the soil or because it stays in an airless and hot place at night. Do not keep too much in hot-airless rooms at night. Kalanchoe species like a little acidic soil. Pay attention to the soil and watering. If the alkalinity is high, it cannot develop well even if you give it food. It remains skinny. The leaves are yellowish green and short-lived.
The problem of frail, long, slender overhanging branches
The main reason is lack of sun. Do not rely on the light from outside and the lamps inside. At least 2 hours of direct sun a day and very strong daylight during the daytime are essential.
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